Two Brooklyn Landmarks Re-Opening After Long COVID Lockdown

As life slowly gets back to normal after the challenges of New York’s treacherous encounter with COVID-19, two beloved Brooklyn destinations are getting ready to welcome back visitors.
The Brooklyn Museum and the New York Aquarium have been given the green light to open their doors for the first time since coronavirus forced all public spaces to close.
The Brooklyn Museum is planning on re-opening on September 12, while the Aquarium will start having visitors on August 27.
Members of the venues will get the first chance to come see what is new, and after a few days they will be open to the general public. However, a visit will look quite different from how things used to be before coronavirus. The Brooklyn Museum will not have docent-led tours, and there will be no indoor programing. The on-premises restaurant will also be closed. At the aquarium in Coney Island only people who purchase their tickets in advance will be admitted and will enter without coming into physical contact with any other person. The aquarium and the museum will have hand sanitizing lotion available throughout the building and will require visitors to wear masks.
On exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum is “Night Magic,” which tells the story of the iconic New York disco known as Studio 54. The exhibit features fashion, photography, drawing, film and costume illustrations, designs and set proposals.
The aquarium will highlight the world of invertebrates in its own exhibit called “Spineless.” Come and get to know better sea anemones, octopi, jellyfish and other similar creatures.
The aquarium will have limited seating in the Aquatheater, and the 4-D Theater will remain closed for the time being.