Bitty Brooklyn Bungalow Has Astronomical Price Tag

A tiny home in Windsor Terrace has an asking price designed to make prospective buyers take notice. The 900-square-foot, three-bedroom bungalow with a wild front and back yards was placed on the market for a cool $1.25 million. The little home is sandwiched between two much larger homes, giving the impression that it didn’t get the memo to grow up. The listing is a real lesson in realtor-speak:
“Super sweet, lovely and charming” are the opening words of an exquisitely creative listing for the 17-foot wide cottage at 658 Vanderbilt Street.
Especially upbeat is the home’s description as a
“…truly unique property that has always, over the years, commanded the attention of onlookers and admirers!”
This is definitely a true statement, however misleading it may be.
Keep in mind that in Brooklyn, as location begins to become the be-all and end-all of a property’s worth, the real value here most likely lies in the fact that according to the area’s zoning rules, the baby-bear house can be swept into the trash to make way for a three story papa-bear near-mansion, with all the latest amenities.
According to realtor Barbara Puccia,
“Someone can move right in or knock it down” she said. “The neighborhood would be sad to see it go, but I have to market it in its full diversity. People are paying the same amount for a condo. Here you get a house with a back yard.”
The house was built during the end of the 19th century, and rumors say that it was once located inside Prospect Park. Owner Heather Baley paid a mere $150,000 for the house in 1989. We are excited to see how the deal unfolds.