The Battle of the Dems Comes to Brooklyn

After a few accusations and finger pointing, the two left-standing Democratic candidates, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton, have agreed on a date for their face-off debate.
The two presidential wannabes both have deep roots in the Empire State: Hillary is a former New York senator, and Bernie is a homie who left to the greener pastures of Vermont, where he presently serves as a senator.
The great debate date is inscribed to take place on April 14, in Brooklyn, and will be hosted by CNN in partnership with Time Warner Cable’s NY 1, a channel which is focused on New York news stories.
Coming into the debate Clinton is ahead of Sanders by quite a bit delegate-wise. Sanders’ Wisconsin win last Tuesday gives him a nice boost and builds momentum. He has succeeded in the last five out of six primaries last held, helping Sanders campaign and giving Clinton a run for her money.
The New York primary will be held on Tuesday, April 19, only five days after the debate.