Senator Squadron Helping Brooklyn Splash Into Summer
Get out your sunscreen, beach towels and summer reading and head out to the latest addition to Brooklyn Bridge Park; an above-ground, 3.5 foot deep, 30-foot-by-50-foot temporary pool which will remain at the 85-acre park for five years.
Democratic state Senator Daniel Squadron from Brooklyn has been the major mover behind the addition of the pool to the park. Last summer he fought for a deal which convinced officials to agree to bring the pool to the park, along with more hi-rise housing.
“I’ve long said the pool is a major priority for the park, and now the community can dive right in” said Squadron.
The new pool will be built at a cost of about $150,000 say officials, who will be hiring a contractor to build the pool as early as today. The pool will be located at the Pier 2 uplands section of the green area in Brooklyn Heights.
Although Squadron is pleased that there will be a pool at the park this summer and for the next several years, he would still rather have seen a permanent pool built on the site. It is also too bad that the above-ground pool which is being planned now will not be similar to the floating pool barge which was docked at the park back in 2007, which was extremely popular with residents.
Nevertheless, there is some good times in store for the kids and other residents this coming summer at Brooklyn Bridge Park.