Woman Rescued From Train Tracks Wants to Thank Her Heroes

Fashion student Alexa Conto was waiting for the D train at the 71st Street station at Utrecht Avenue in Brooklyn when suddenly she felt dizzy. It was 7:20 am on Tuesday, and she was on her way to the first day of classes at the Laboratory Institute of Merchandising College in Midtown Manhattan. Conto thought she would just lean her head on a standing beam and close her eyes to let the dizzy feeling pass, when the next thing she knew she was down on the train tracks with a train rushing towards her.
Luckily for Conto several people had seen her fall, jumped onto the tracks and began to help her. When the conductor of the oncoming train saw the people on the tracks he immediately stopped the train from crushing them, just in time. Now Conto wants to show her gratitude to the kind, quick-acting people and the alert MTA conductor.
“I’d like to thank them for everything. I wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for them,” said Conto. “They’re just genuinely nice people. You don't see that a lot.”
Conto was taken to the Lutheran Medical Center after the incident, where she is still recovering.
Alexa and her family are anxious for the people who helped her to step forward so that they can thank them for being the heroes that they are, saving Alexa’s life while risking their own.