New York

Checkmate! Says the Edward R. Murrow High School Chess Team

Way to go to the neighborhood chess team!   The Edward R. Murrow High School chess team has done it — they won the state championship.   As the 16 year old team captain said,

“But we did it. We played against master level players and won.”

They actually have a chance now at their eighth national championship as they head to the national competition in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The coach, Eliot Weiss, has helped the team to achieve 7 national championships and has been guiding the team since 1981. In addition, they’ve sealed 15 state championships and 16 city wide ones.

This team is already incredibly well known.   They’ve been to the White House, they’ve been covered in the book called “The Kings of New York” and they’re about to be the subject of a movie called “The Game of Kings.”

They’re now ready to take on the competition at the national level.   As Markel Brown, a senior from Bedford-Stuyvesant said,

“To all the teams out there, We’re going hard. They better be ready.”


James Allenby is the editor of Gowanus Lounge, bringing to his position a vast background on New York, and especially Brooklyn history, culture and lifestyle. Born and bred in the heart of "the County of Kings" James Allenby knows what it means to be a Brooklynite, and imparts this meaning at all times to his readers. Contact James at info(at)